BREW LAGOON on Patreon
You heard it right. All of my hot-off-the presses artwork is on Patreon first! Join up for regular pinups, sketches, alternate (and often naughty) versions, and cartoons that aren’t available anyplace else; delivered multiple times a month, for your viewing pleasure.
Brew Lagoon is fueled by the twisted brainstuffs of J Carr. You should be able to find all kinds of art and inspiration, with an occasional drink or coffee recipe—you know, everything you need to define your inner groove,
There is some solid content for public consumption, but most of the good stuff is for members only. Head over to https://www.patreon.com/brewlagoon for all the fun!

Coffee is Life
Creativity isn’t fueled by Mai Tais alone. Coffee is a huge part of the process. Quite simply put, if loving coffee is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Morning at the Lagoon starts with a couple of home-brewed cappuccinos; made from Ka’u coffee beans air-roasted to maximize freshness. You’d have a hard time believing the amount of care and attention poured into our morning coffee cups! And afternoon coffee cups. And evening coffee cups.
Visit the coffee blog for caffeine-inspired adventures sparked by the desire to make the absolute best cup of coffee!
Want to join in the fun? Check out the Tiki-fueled fun!
Visit the Blog
"Change the Latitude of your Attitude"
— The Great Mo’ai
Other artists draw to purge their demons—Jerry draws ‘cuz it makes him giggle!
Visit the Gallery

About the Lagoon
The Brew Lagoon is all about an appreciation for the retro aesthetic of the Atomic Age, spiced with a love for fantasy, sci-fi, comic books, and Tiki-inspired pop culture goodness. The art and toons you’ll find here are equally at home in the tacky now-now and the nostalgia of old-school print!